Hallo, dear friends, This morning I got a wonderful, complete explaned movie about gmo by Jeffrey M.Smith. We know him personally since 1996. We have his book Genetic Roulette The documented health risks of Genetically engineered Foods. ISBN-13: 978-0-9729665-2-8 9 780972 966528 52795. I am giving all the numbers because I do not know the administration. To start the movie, click on the picture of Jeffrey and you will undergo the truth about gmo and about lies and risks for 1.24.59 minutes. Take your time. The movie will be online till 17th oktober. It is very special, it rules your health!! Listen well. I hope you will find the time to do so. This time I am writing in English because of many english speaking friends. As you may not know, the World Wild Life is involved in “greenwashing ggsoya/corn” !!!! in fishfeed in fish-breeding ponds. There might also be antibiotica involved. So, do not eat fish from these ponds, eat wild fish. Look on internet for wild fish and aqua-fish. With kind regards, Jeanine van Nieukerken Natuurwetmoeders.nl/Mothers for Natural Law. Please send this information forward. In California and Florida they are fighting for labeling of food. 6 November is the last day of proposition 37. Monsanto puts $37 miljoen in the fight against labeling!!
If you do not want my letters anymore, please send me a little mail. Bye bye.
Van: Institute for Responsible Technology [mailto:Jeffrey_M_Smith@responsibletechnology.org]
Verzonden: donderdag 11 oktober 2012 1:12
Aan: van.nieukerken@upcmail.nl
Onderwerp: Free Online Viewing Week Genetic Roulette Oct 10-17